However, the modern male face still exhibits some 'fighting features' that are less prominent in females. 尽管如此,这种特性在现代男性的脸上要比女性明显。
The program mixed China's ancient history and culture with elements showcasing the modern face of the country. 该计划的混合中国古代的历史和文化元素,展示现代面对国家。
Perhaps I illuminate the paradox many modern women face. 也许我展现了和许多现代女性相反的一面。
His urban types often sport European haute couture, a masking of the modern Beijing body, analogous to the fashioning of its modern face ( Mask Series No.2,1997). 他的都市原型总是以欧洲上等文化自我炫耀,而这正是现代北京的身体之上的一副面具,与其现代容颜的时尚化相类似。
How the Modern Libraries to Face the Challenge of the Continual Interferences of the Information Technology 当代图书馆如何面对信息技术不断介入的挑战
The more modern face of China reasserts itself a few hours later in the district of Kundu. 几小时之后我们见到了更多标榜着自己的中国面孔,地点是昆都区(Kundu)。
Modern enterprises face an unprecedented fierce competition environment. Anyone who wants to survive and make develop, must have powerful competence, especially the core competence. 现代企业面对空前激烈的竞争环境,要想求得生存、并谋求长远发展,就必须具备强大的竞争力,尤其是核心竞争力。
Because modern corporations must face up to lots of environment activities. The information presentation of conventional financial accounting is confronted with austere challenge. For these environment activities exist. 由于现代企业不可避免地要发生大量的环境活动,这些环境活动的存在,使传统的财务会计信息披露面临着严峻的挑战。
With the strengthening trend of economic centralization and globalization, modern enterprises will face intenser competition. The pressure they endure from competitors, suppliers, customers, potential competitors and substitutes will also be bigger and bigger. 随着世界经济一体化与全球化趋势的不断加强,现代企业所面临的竞争日益激烈,它们所承受的来自于已有竞争者、供应商、客户、潜在竞争者和替代产品的压力也越来越大。
It is the prominent problem that modern human beings face to reconsider rationally the contradictory of value in the modern human practical activities and to standardize reasonably human practical activities so as to reduce and avoid the negative effect of practice. 理性地反思当代人类实践活动的价值冲突,合理规约人类的实践活动,减少和避免实践负效应,是当代人类实践面临的突出问题。
Modern manufacturing face varieties, small batch producing, As one of important parts of them, for the difficult of install and process design to the complex part, its speediness and precision manufacture have become one of import subject to modern manufacturing technology. 现代制造业更多地面向多品种、小批量的制造任务。作为其中的重要的组成部分,复杂零件由于装夹难度大、工艺设计困难,它的快速精密制造已成为现代制造技术中的重要课题。
With the globalization of economic and rapid development of the information technology, new opportunities and challenges have been emerged in the field of project management. Modern enterprises face a great deal of getting information via the Internet/ Intranet and managing resources and manufacture based on Web. 经济全球化与信息技术的不断进步和发展,在项目管理领域出现了新的机遇和挑战,企业从Internet/Intranet获取信息与基于Web技术管理企业资源和生产活动越来越成为企业的迫切要求。
Because of the interaction with tradition and reality, the sway between the two dimensions is the criticism reality that the modern critics must face to. 由于人文传统与现实语境的交互作用,两大维度间的震荡和摇摆是现代批评家必须直面的批评现实。
At the end of this thesis, it puts forward that the creation of modern music must face up to the issue of the relationship between cosmopolitanism and nationality. 论文最后提出现代音乐创作必须面对世界性与民族性关系的问题。
Psychology Victory or Serious Opportunism Modern urban people face kinds of physical, psychological and spiritual imbalance. 精神胜利法?投机心理?现代城市人面临着严重的生理、心理和精神多方面的生态失衡。
Good economic situation brought limitless business opportunity to hotel trade but at the same time also make some problems on foreign currency revenue and expenditure management Modern hotel trade face many kinds of risk from foreign exchange transaction, borrowed money of foreign currency and convert of exchange rate. 良好的经济形势在给饭店业带来无限商机的同时也带来了外汇收支管理等问题。尤其是现代饭店业面临着外汇交易、外汇借款、汇率折算等风险。
China's modern poem discipline face two major front problems: The rebuilding of the spirit of poem after realizing "the great liberation of spirit" and the rebuilding of the poem style after realizing "the great liberation of poem style". 中国现代诗学面临两大前沿问题实现精神大解放以后的诗歌精神重建和实现诗体大解放以后的诗体重建。
This paper has analysed problems and trends which the modern real estate face in fast urbanization process. 本文分析了快速城市化进程中现代房地产业面临的问题与趋势。
The management is multi-disciplinary and The modern management must face the impact of uncertainty, facing the complex changeable environment, the uncertainty already becomes a core factor of the management. 管理是由多学科交叉产生的学科,现代管理学必将面临着不确定性的冲击,面对复杂多变的环境,不确定性已经成为管理的要素之一。
Nowadays modern urban parks face with a series of questions: Closure of traditional urban parks, occidentalizing tendency of designing clue, market influencing and creativity declining. 目前上海现代城市公园面临以下问题:传统城市公园封闭围合、现代园林景观规划设计理念的西化倾向、市场影响和创造力衰退等。
It is an important topic that modern periodical editors face how to cultivate their information literacy in order to adjust to the development of modern press in information era, which has a deep effect on the periodical editors. 信息时代,这类期刊编辑如何培养信息素养,适应现代出版业的发展要求,这是现代期刊编辑面临的一个重要课题。
Especially in the last few years, the disruption occurred frequently, and continuously impacted on the demand side of the operation systems. All these make a modern operation system face higher degree of uncertainties. 特别是最近几年中,突发事件频繁发生,并且不断地冲击运作系统的需求端,这一切使得运作系统所面临的需求存在不确定性。
However, the traditional small-scale aquaculture has technological backwardness. Faced with the huge demand of aquatic products market and the increasing scarcity of fishery resources, modern aquaculture will face new opportunities and challenges. 但传统的水产养殖规模小,科技落后,面对水产品市场的巨大需求和渔业资源的日益匮乏,现代水产养殖必将面对全新的机遇和挑战,发展水产养殖业也成为必然的趋势。
During the transition from traditional society to modern society, face to the plight of the loss of morals, the institutionalized trends of morals in social life and academic aspects are increasingly obvious. 在从传统社会向现代社会转型的过程中,面对道德失范的困境,道德在生活和学术方面的制度化倾向都愈加明显。
In questioning the technology closely, Heidegger discussed some "Modernity problems", such as the etiology of modern" homeless", analysed all sorts of crisis human of modern technology era face. 海德格尔通过追问技术,论述了一些现代性问题,如现代人无家可归的病因,分析了现代技术时代人类面临的种种危机。
The United States as the end of the modern immigrants face of the West of the various types of shock, loss, envy of all kinds of emotions interwoven. 美国被视为现代化的终点,各类型的移民面对西方时震惊、失落、艳羡种种情绪交织一体。
The Rule of Law, representing the international tides, is the token of the control model of modern society, and in the information age, its construction has a great significance for the modern China in face of the challenge brought out by the globalization. 法治是现代社会控制模式的重要标志,代表当下国际潮流,全球化时代对于任何一个非法治国家都是一个巨大挑战,建设法治社会成为当代中国社会的共识。
Modern enterprises face increasing competition among enterprises more competitive, many companies are aware of the domestic human resource management and competition are key to enterprise development, therefore, the assessment of human resources is the basis for enterprise development. 现代企业中面临的竞争日益激烈,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,国内的很多企业都意识到人力资源的管理和竞争是企业发展的关键,因此,对人力资源的考核是企业发展的基础。
Tiled processor effectively solves the wire delay, power consumption, scalability, and many other problems that modern processors face. 分片式处理器有效解决和缓解了线延迟、功耗、可扩展性等现代处理器面临的主要问题。